Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon the Trustworthy Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Adventures in the Salafi Capital of America

Alhamdulillah, we made it back from an exhausting visit to see my Rent, Grand-Rents and not too many friends (actually none, but I tried). Coming home, is sometimes the opposite of comfortable. In contrast to Zaynab's experience, my visits feel like, well visits to some place other than the house I grew up in. Since, reverting to Islam, graduating school and really alienating my parents by getting married, my mother has been on a crusade to TAKE BACK HER HOUSE. Meaning, she has cleansed every room (except for the bathroom) of the sense of HOME that I once knew for 18 years. It started with my old bedroom, which is her new haven for her pink and green sorority clutter. So instead of a room with a bed for us to inhabit, we are now relegated to the basement den surviving on an airmatress/sofa bed combo. Secondly, the living no longer has a sofa, but a couch. What is the difference between a sofa and couch, well the later is something you can actually sit on. The rest of the furniture expensive, antique and easy to brake. I spend much of my visit steering the kids away from the danger zones, picking up broken stuff and assessing whether it can be glued back together. But we survived and we won't have to do it again until Spring.

On to more adventures. We went to the Zoo, masha'Allah we were able to see the tiger up close, a little too close for Ms. Mara's liking. The primate house had a male gorilla, who was putting on a show, by running from one end of the exhibit and slamming himself up against the glass. The zoo's Tree House was open and Ms. Pesa made a penguin paper bag and Ms. Mara's wanted to eat the glue sticks, nothing has changed. The Tree house was a nice break from walking outside, until Ms. Pesa couldn't resist trying to leap into the stream habitat. Alhamdulillah, she only got her sleeves wet up to elbow.
The next day my mother decided to treat us to Barnes and Nobles. I love books and usually I never get to buy my kids new books. We only borrow from the library. I succeeded in picking out some excellent titles and two on my new curiousity, Kumon (anyone want to talk about it, please post.) Only after, an alarm was set-off, a public discussion on hynies was broad casted in the crowded ladies room and a bottle of Poland Spring was emptied on the floor near the check out, we were finally finished.
As usual, I didn't make it to the masjid and likewise, I didn't get to see any of my friends, but I tried.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Eid Mubarak

Alhamdulillah, we are back on the ranch. Lots of misadventures to write about from our trip to see my Rent. Looks like my dua' was answered, no Chuck e Cheeses, at least for today. But we have two more days, who knows what the ABI will conjure up. Okay off to pray and slaughter the beast. Yeee Haaaa! Rope 'em up and bring'em down.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

On Safari

I will be away for a few days. Be back by EID! Make Dua' that I can avoid my arch nemesis, Chuckie Cheese and the creepy oversized puppet band. The sisters are planning a Halal party at a hotel. I have to dust off my sequin dress. Those of you in the BURGS, I wish you could come. Can't wait!!!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Yeee Haaa!

This is our future RIBA FREE dream villa in the Khaleej. Built by the blood, sweat and tears of the Savage Family. No sublets, fitnah or bid' aa!
And Riding through the dessert in our newly designed Moobat
chauffered by our trusty driver Texas Pete.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Tune in Now!

al-akh 'Abdul-Rahmaan al-Afriiqi "Points regarding the Methodology of the Salaf"
1. Click rooms
2. Religion
3. Islam
4. Masjid as Sahabah

Friday, December 22, 2006

Busy This Weekend?

If you are not in the neighborhood, tune on Paltalk: Room Masjid Assalafie

Thursday, December 21, 2006

You Gotta Have Skillz!

No! I am not talking about light saber skillz. Geesh! I am refering to wife skills, come on akhwati!
6 years ago, before I was married, I spent maybe a week with my oldest muslim friend, (masha'Allah that is like an eternity in revert years) and in those few days I learned so much about what it really means to be a muslim wife. Of course, I had all those common books on muslim marriage, but actually seeing a women being obedient to her husband and seeing the tranguility of it all was really stunning (in ways than one). Back then, she was a stay-in-the-house-aint' driving-nowhere, mom! Like that was totally alien to me.
Prior to my visit, I had all these plans to go back to school, get a job and build and empire, lol (who knows of what) all the while married. In her gentile way, she questioned me - no lectures, but with simple passive statements. Basically, she told me all that is impossible with a husband and kids. At least if you want do it well. We can't build our skillz from our Jaahil ideals.
So for a week, we were house wives together. We cooked, cleaned, read islamic books and dressed little boys (me putting on the wrong outfits, geesh when you have them so close together how do know whose socks are whose?) After that week, I was forever changed.
Now as a 5 year veteran at the house wife/ homeschooling ummie, I am building up my skillz bank. And everyday, I add new ones to the already exisiting ones. I still have ones that are still undiscovered, epecially in the area of effective communication. I come from a house of long winded/low-talkers and my husband comes from a tribe of shortwinded/holla'ers, so I am trying to bridge the gap. So we are still trying to find our inside voices, so to speak.
Wifee skillz help us cope and really they force us to combine of what we know from the Haqq about the role of the wife and what we come to discover about our hubbies over time. A good source of skillz can come from our mother-in-laws, if you can try and establish a relationship with them (only if they aren't totally majnoon). A good mom-in-law relationship can give clues to the clueless. Secondly, learn about the rights/roles of the wife and the husband. Take a dive into the Sunnah, check out hadeeths related to marriage, read about the Rasool Allah salaatu wa salaam and his wives. Read about the women of Medina. And the read the book pictured above. Alhamdulillah, it has been translated in English. These skillz can possibly keep you from the FIRE!

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Again another favorite of the Binats, I SPY! Masha'Allah these are great. They remind a bit of those Where's Waldo books from my childhood. What makes them fantastic? Well, they don't have images of anything with a sole. They are completely interactive. My Hubby will look at them with the kids. They increase concentration - the well trained mind, which is key to helping your little'uns to focus on details that necessary for learning phonics and decoding. Also, they are totally fun. They have series that are geared towards pre-schoolers, as well as puzzles and go-fish games. You can also do I SPY online at Another way to home school!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Something Worth Fighting Over

This is the favorite toy of the Binats. I bought these at the Target "One Spot." Or as I call it the dollar section. They find many uses for these "Clippers," including holding up hijabs and hair accessories. They will actually fight over these. Who would have figured.

Story From Our Salaf

One of the Salaf entered a field, and he was hungry and tired, and so he wanted to eat, as his stomach was 'rumbling.' His eyes went to went to the trees, so he saw an apple, and reached for it, then he ate half of it under the protection of Allah, and he drank from the lake near the field. After that, he was not aware of what he was doing due to his hunger, and said to himself:
"woe to you! How do you eat from someone elses goods without permission," so he swore that he finds the owner of the field, and ask him to make what he had eaten from him permissible, so he looked around until he found a door and knocked on it. The owner came out and asked him about what he wants . . . He said: "I entered your garden that next to the garden, and took this apple and eat half of it, then remember it is not mine, and I want you to excuse me forgive me for this mistake," so the man said, "I won't forgive you, nor allow you ever, except with one condition?" So he said (and he is Thaabit bin Nu'maan), "what is this condition?" The man said: "to marry my daughter" He said: "I'll marry her."

The man then said: "But my daughter is blind cannot see, dumb and cannot speak, deaf and cannot hear." So Thaabit bin Nu'maan began thinking and considering - what a disaster- what's he going to do? Then he remembered that the tribulation he has got by having this woman, and taking care of her and serving her is better than to eat from the food (sadeed) of hellfire due to what he ate from that apple, and he remembered that this days in the dunya are numbered that his days in the dunya are numbered. So he accepted marrying her, and he wished for the reward from Allah, the Lord of the universe. The day marriage came, the Thaabit bin Nu'maan was very worried : "How will I entered upon a women who doesn't speak, or see, or hear?! So he felt confused and in and in a delima, and wished that the earth swallows him before that happends (i.e. he does to her). but he relied upon Allah and said: " Laa Hawla wa laa quwata illa billah, wa inna lilah wa inna raji'oon." So he went to her, and as soon as he entered, she stood up and said to him "assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh." When he saw her, he remembered what he ahd imagined of the hoor il'ayn in paradise. After remaining a bit quiet, he said: "What is this?" She hears, sees and and speaks, and so he informed her what her father had told him.
She replied: "My father spoke the truth and didn't lie." "How is it true?" She replied: "My father said I am dumb, because I have never said a word of haraam, nor have I ever spokent to a man whom is not permissible to speak to . . . She said I am deaf, because I have never sat it in a place of backbitting and gossip or tale-telling. . . She said I am blind because I have never looked at a man who was not permissible for me."
It was from this man and this woman that An-Nu'maan ibn Thaabit, also known as Imam Abu Haneefa was born.


Become a scholar if you are able.
If you are not able, then be a student.
If you can not, then show love for them.
If you are unable to do that,then (at least)do not hate them.
-Umar ibn Abdil-'Aziz (rahimahullah)


The Tarbiyah isn't that you feed and clothe your children, that's already written by Allah. The Tarbiyah is that you educate your children upon tawheed.

Shaykh Salah Al Fawzan

Friday, December 15, 2006


Jamila, where are you? Your blog is gone! Did you have that baby?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Who is The Stranger

My whole life I have been a bit of an outsider. Growing up, I spent the first 17 years of my life at a Quaker private school. Even before I was born, my mother was a teacher there, so in true honesty, I was implanted there at conception. The school had only a sprinkling of people of color and even though it was a Quaker school the majority of student were Jewish. The school was located in the down town part of the city and I lived 30 mins away, up town with the trees and the crickets. I never got to see my school friends on the weekend, until the 7th grade, when a more kids from my part of town started to infiltrate the halls. Among the other African American kids, I was a bit of a pariah. To them, I didn't fit the mold. I looked different, I couldn't speak slang, I didn't take the public buses or the Sub. So, since they officially ruled in some secret middle school court of color that I was an "oreo," I was an instant outsider. Often, I was told that I act so white and talk so white. To counter the the influence of private school my mother join Jack and Jill. Some of you may be aquanted with this organization. It is a national association of Black women and their children to socialize and perform community service. In the past, the club was exclusive to those families who were lighter than the paper bag. If you were darker, you could joing Twigs, the less up-scale, browner counter part. Most of my peers came from upper-middle class families - black bourgeoisie. The sons and daughters of lawyers, doctors, judges, politicians and city officials. Essentially these were Uber African American kids-the ones that tried the hardest to be Black. They had enough money to wear it, rap it and move to it. Again, I was too white, hey I liked U2 and Sting.
I wonder how much of this influenced my decisions to major in Africana studies in college, play a major role in the BSU, SOAR (students organized against racism) and the campus UNITY House and travel/live in Africa.
Even as a muslim, I have experienced the same kind of isolation. I think people are always trying to figure you out so that they make assumptions. Humm, what is she? So now, I am not white, but I must be Arab (or as Zaynab's neighbor put it) A-Rab. Usually Egyptian. And some how because of my lightness/likeness I must know more Quran or I speak arabic - I hate to break it to you, I don't, but I wish I did. Or even, I was told by a friend that she thought I was mean. What? Me? Why?
As a sister who ascribes to Salafiyah, the feeling of being an outcast persists amongst the masses, sometimes feeling like a stranger even among the muslims. Wrapped in black, face, hands covered wanting to close the gaps for salaat . . .
So no matter whether I am an African American Meherrin Indian Caucasion former Quaker Episcopalean now muslim niqabi ummie salafi - I will always be strange.

“Many times in many situations the people that follow the religion of Allâh feel a sense of not belonging, of being out of place, of not fitting in, and, in other words, of being strange. This feeling could occur in a gathering of non-Muslims, but, unfortunately, this feeling sometimes also occurs when one is with his fellow Muslims.” Strangeness and the Strangers,Imâm Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah
“The third category of strangeness is, in essence, neither praiseworthy or blameworthy. It is the strangeness that a traveler experiences when he travels to a different country, like a person who lives in a place for a short period of time, knowing that he has to move on. One aspect of this strangeness is that all of us, whether we realize it or not, are strangers in this world, for we will all go one day to our permanent abode in the Hereafter. This is the meaning of the hadîth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) when he told Abdullah ibn Umar, “Live in this world as though you are a stranger or a wayfarer.” Thus, this category of strangeness has the potential to become a praiseworthy strangeness if we realize the meaning of this statement of Allâh’s Messenger (peace be upon him). ” Strangeness and the Strangers,Imâm Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah

Islam began as something strange, and it shall return as something strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the ghurabaa (the strangers). It was asked who are the strangers, O Messenger of Allah He replied "Those that correct the people when they currupt." [Reported Abu Amr Al-Dani and authenticated by Al-Bani.]

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

She's Back

Alhamdulillah, poor mara is back. We aren't sure if she actually swallowed medicine or got into something else. We were at a relative's house when we noticed that she couldn't stand up or walk without falling. She was transported to the hospital then to Children's where they observed her for 18 hours. Alhamdulillah she was released, but really out of it, still able to walk, talk or use her motor skills well. Now, she is almost herself, but still really grumpy. Barak Allahu fiqum to all that made dua for her.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Make Dua For Ms. Mara's

Last night my 2 and some change year old went to the ER. The cause a missing PILL and wobbly legs and lethargic behavior. Insha'Allah make dua for her.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Henna Sooq You Are Tagged

Friday, December 08, 2006

Turning Things Around

One of the men from the salaf was asked: "How do you gain victory over your opponents? you debate Arabs and your non-Arab yet when you debate you shut them up".

And he answered: "1st I become happy when my opponent speaks correct on a point, and i become sad when he is wrong, and i hold my tongue from him least i my harm him.

Imaam Ahmed said, How wise of a man.
(taken from Masjid Rahmah Kuthbah December 8th 2006)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Okay, Okay I Have Been Tagged

Here are the rules: Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I am obsessed with geneology and researching my own family history. This was one of my father's passions and I think it really made him feel good to see me so interested in my heritage and wanting to keep it alive.

2. Many moons ago, I used to montain bike through Quebec for a month, hike the national parks in the South West, repel through water falls, snorkel off the Indian Ocean and catch huge baracudas for dinner.

3. I can't wear slippers, because my feet will sweat.

4. I never can cook the same meal twice, which drives my husband crazy

5. I can speak kiamu dialect of kiswahili, but I am totally illiterate in it.

6. I was the starting center for my highschool b-ball team, everyone who knows me should have fallen out of their computer chairs by now with laughter.

Opportunities for Ilm

Allaah says: "So ask of those who know...if you know not". 16:43
Introducing: New Weekly Classes designed specifically for our "Precious Gems":
The Muslim Sister's Class Schedule

Day: Yaumul Ahad (Sunday):
Book: My Advice to the Women
by Umm Abdillaah al-Waadi'iyyah
Location: Masjid Ahlul Qur'aan WalHadeeth
3415 18th Street NE Wash., DC 20018
Time: 10:30 AM---12:00 PM

Day: Yaumul Ithnain (Monday) Dawah Course
Book:The Clarity in Calling to Allaah with an Introduction
by Shaykh Saalih ibn 'Abdul 'Aziz bin Muhammad
Ahlus Shaykh
Time: 6:00 PM---7:00 PM

Day: Yaumul Jumua'ah (Friday)
Book: Important Lessons for Every Muslims
by Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullaah bin Baaz
Time: 6:00 PM---7:00 PM

* Each class will be broadcast via conference phone with access code.

* Each class will have interactive E-Mail Q&A session during the last 15 minutes of the class.

* Mondays' and Fridays' Classes are accessible by phone line along with access code *Only*.

* For further information or if you would like to participate, please E-mail us at


These are our things we can smell collages. Doing projects with 2 and some change year olds and a 4 year old (today, masha'Allah) doesn't always bring science fair results, but at least they had fun. They also had good taste in selecting things that we smell, but we couldn't really come up with things that smell, well stinky. Ms. Pese is getting better at cutting and glueing and Ms. Mara's is well one of those kids. The ones that EAT GLUE! So we had to finish up faster than expect and get the glue out of reach, before it became snack. I wonder what will happen when it comes out the other end?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My New Slippers from my Hubby

Try and help me to remember to where them!

5 Senses

I forgot to mention that for 4 weeks (or until the library books are due back), homeschooling the home bound will be exploring 5 blessings: smell, touch, sight, taste and hearing. Alhamdulillah. I realized once upon a time we had a book called Allah Gave Me Eyes. I am sure it is long gone, because is was ms. Mofsa's favorite bed time and anytime story. I must get another copy or try and have the whole series ordered at the library, all in the name of multiculturalism. Ironically, the have Yusuf Islam's A is for Alif and the board books stories of the prophets.
So far we have red a couple of books on hearing and I found a whole series in the non-fiction J section on the senses. Where did I get this idea for thematic learning? Well, I am sort of following the Houghten Mifflen pre-k program on They have teacher resources, printables, bibliographies and learning goal sheets. With a little creativity you can play along without having to buy the books. Also, I got an okay montassouri book, why I say okay, well it doesn't have a lot of pictures (I admitt it, I have ABKB). But after skimming it after dinner, I realized I need work on processes with mis Pesa. For example, how to greet people. We will be working on this soon, insha'Allah. I don't think I feel up to sandpaper letters, I tried it, but who has time to cut all that out. I mean geesh!
Today's agenda will be the letter P, pasting beans on a P, also a collage on what we smell. Sounds sticky!
Okay, this post was brought to by the letter, P, the number 4 and all our friends here at Homeschooling the Home Bound, see ya next time!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Sheikh Dr. Saalih Suhaimi concerning oppressing others on the netTaken from my own notes from the fourth lesson of Sharh Akhlaaqal-Ulama by Imam Ajuree explained by Sheikh Dr. Saalih ibn Sa'das-Suhaimi during the Madinah Conference, Saudi Arabia 1426/200625th Jumada 1 142520th June 2006.
Sheikh Dr. Saalih ibn Sa'd as-Suhaimi said regarding those who write on the internet and oppress others unjustly:About twenty eight years ago two groups of students differed with oneanother. The extremity of the situation resulted in argumentation such that they did not seek the truth but rather only to please their owndesires. They accused one another of falling into sins. The matter of disagreement was regarding whether one places his hands on the ground before his knees while going down for prostration in the prayer. They charged one another of lying against the Messenger sallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. They claimed that these ones do no want the Sunnah. They fought each other until they threw chairs at one another. This is from the deceptions of Iblees and whoever occupies himself with pleasing their desires then they ends up being misguided…These affairs should be taken back to those firm in knowledge… let usconsider Imam Ahmed and Imam Shaf'ee rahimahumaallaah. They differed with regard whether one has to make ablution after eating camel'smeat. Imam Shaf'ee says that if one is upon ablution then eats camel'smeat and prays then their prayer is correct, while Imam Ahmed saysone's prayer is nullified. However, both of these Imams pray behind each other without mentioning this difference…Beware my brothers from some of the problems present on the internet.To the extent that one of these (troublemakers) tried to ascertain what his brother's saying meant by given it a meaning other than theintended one, thereby being futile… Another one has accused his brother of being an evil person and a Rafidi (an extreme group amongst the Shi'ah sect). The youths accusing others of being sinners, innovators and disbelievers. It maybe aresult of a misunderstanding. As the poet said, And how many speak against a correct statement And his shortcomingis due to his own wrong understanding By Allaah, we advised them concerning their argumentation andaccusingly ascertaining a false meaning to what others say. This has lead others who are weak in faith to accept it. May Allaah have mercy on Imam Ibn Baz rahimahullaah, when he advised the callers to Allaah in general, some people said that he was referring to the callers in Madinah specifically and to such and such person. Thus, falsely accusing others. So he rahimahullaah replied,"Those who delve in murky waters are the ones who say I am referring to such and such person…"Allaah said, "Do not go into that which you have no knowledge, indeedthe hearing, the sight, the heart, all of it, he will be questioned about."We should keep away from accusingly ascertaining a false meaning to what others say...…I say this to the students of knowledge, Fear Allaah concerning yourself (raising his voice), Fear Allaah concerning your brothers, Fear Allaah with what you put in your tapes falsely accusing and ascertaining a corrupt meaning to what others say. Fear Allaah concerning the internet websites that are used for falsely accusing and ascertaining a false meaning to what others say.Very little shame and much distortion in what your brothers sayconcerning those things that are not meant. By Allaah you will be questioned, by Allaah on a Day when neither wealth nor children will benefit you except the one who came to Allaah with a pure heart. ByAllaah you will be questioned. Someone wrote in that website, the one whose owners don't have fear of Allaah in reviling the students of knowledge with different types of insults and they even placed a student of knowledge and scholars to be a reference point for the website but I say this with much sorrow. I heard this tape from the website of someone, may Allaah forgive him,he specified twenty minutes talking against me with very dangerous slanders and he attributed to me and others what is befitting forhypocrites and disbelievers. He said so and so he has such and such and he followed other than the path of the believers…he fell into hypocrisy and disbelief and he differed from the scholars and he wenthere and there, by Allaah, if you heard those characteristics then they are not attributed except to the disbelievers and hypocrites. I don't say this to defend myself, but he was not only specifying mewith these slanders, only, but also other students of knowledge and scholars…I say to him two things: the first of them being that I will not use against him more than the arrows at night for I will not forget in the last third part of the night the supplication against him and those that aid him, Allaah willing. Secondly, I say to him: say what you say because in front of Allaah the disputers will gather and those that oppressed others will know which place they will end up in. I say this, my brothers, for the sake of Allaah such that a Muslim isaware that Allaah is watching him, thus being afraid of Allaah in that which he says and writes. That he is accountable concerning everystatement he utters for indeed a man says something without realising where it will reach until he falls into the hell fire a distance of 70 years.The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam while holding his own tongue said to Mu'adh ibn Jabal (may Allaah be pleased with him), "withhold this!" So Mu'adh said, "will we be accountable concerning what we say?" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "May you be putback in your mothers womb and born again, for the people will bethrown into the hellfire upon their faces or noses on account of what their tongues used to say."The great calamity is that this enmity is happening between people who ascribe to this methodology and this one way, except that satan has caused enmity between them. It maybe satan found those who delve into murky waters just as Ibn Baz rahimahullaah said. If a person makes a mistake, do you take him out of salafiyyah and from the methodology of Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah based upon your own specific opinion. Who is the one to clarify these affairs, they are the scholars who cultivate people to the truth, those who speak truthfully and are just upon it not Bakr or Zayd like us young ones. So FEAR ALLAAH wherever you are (Raising his voice). So FEAR ALLAAH wherever you are. So FEAR ALLAAH wherever you are. Fear Allaah concerning your brothers from Ahlu Sunnah, Be kind, loving and gentle with Ahlu Sunnah! Be kind, loving and gentle with Ahlu Sunnah! Be kind, loving and gentle with Ahlu Sunnah! Just as our sheikh Abdul Muhsin al 'Abbad said. I advise myself and you with the fear of Allaah in secret and in open.Allaah said, "And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular veins (by Our knowledge). (Remember) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being), one sitting on the right and oneon the left (to note his or her actions). Not a word does he utter butt here is a watcher by him ready (to record it)." [Soorah Qaf: 16-18] I ask Allaah for myself and you that we gain beneficial knowledge andgood, correct actions for He is the One able to decree it and we saythe supplication which Jibraeel taught the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihiwa sallam to say:"O Allaah, the Lord of Jibraeel, Mikaeel and Israfeel, the Originatorof the heavens and the earth, Knower of the unseen and Bearer ofwitness. You are the One who judges between your servants in that which they differ, guide me with truth in those things that there is difference with your permission. Indeed you guide whom you will to the straight path."The hadeeth has is Hasan, see Sunan Abi Dawood (767), Sunan Ibn Maajah(1357), Sunan Tirmidhee (3420).End of translation. For those who don't know Sheikh Dr. Saalih ibn Sa'd as-Suhaimi, then he is in his 70's a teacher in the Prophet's mosque and also at The Islamic University of Madinah and is held in high esteem amongst the scholars of Ahlu Sunnah and the general people. May Allaah protect him. The sheikh is also blind may Allaah grant him paradise for his efforts in calling to Allaah. translated byAbdulilah Lahmami Sheikh Saalih al Fawzaan (hafidha-hullah) states,`'When calamity befalls the Muslim by way of what afflicts him, or on his wealth, or his child, or his relatives, or one of his brothers among the Muslims, then upon him is to exercise patience and becontented (i.e. be satisfied with what Allah has decreed for him), asAllah said:`'Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: `'Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return. They are those on whom are the salawaat (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided ones'' 2:157-158 This is sabr, and also from that is patiently persevering and bearing the harms in the path of calling to Allah. For indeed this is from the masaa-ib (calamities- i.e. those calamities one must meet with patience). So upon you is to exercise patience due to what may reach you of harm in the path of good, and do not turn away from good action/s. That is because among the people are those who want good (by way of performing good action/s), but when faced with something they detest,they would say, `'it is not obligatory upon me to engage myself with these affairs''. Then he abandons teaching if he is a teacher, and he abandons calling to Allah, and he abandons the khutbah in the masjid if he is the khatib of a masjid, he abandons the imamship, he abandons commanding good and forbidding evil. This one is not one who has exercised patience upon that which he received of harm.'' (sharh Usoolthalatha pg.34-35) Then upon you O salafees is that you ask Allah for ikhlas, patience and firmness. The wicked harmful enemies among the people of corrupt alliances are of different grades. There are those who do not evenspare the awliyaa of Allah (i.e. the ulema of sunnah), and there are those who do not spare those who transmit the saheeh methodology of the salaf from the ulema of Sunnah. BUT DOES THAT MEAN THAT YOU NOW ABANDON CALLING TO THE HAQQ, TEACHING THE PEOPLE AND CONTACTING THEULEMA TO CLARIFY THE TRUE METHODOLOGY. Laa, rather I say to all those brothers at the dawah at SP, Troid, and to all the common salafis like myself, we all have to come to terms with the fact that no one is safe from the satanic inspired slander, lies, and lewd speech of the people of false alliances. These pranksters (as sheikh ubaid called them before) continue not only with statements of support for the friends and allies of innovators, rather they also display the worst of character in speech whilst concealing their identities. Allah is Ar-Raqeeb over them.
Translated byAbu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah al Gambi
Taken from
From the slave of Allah who is in need of Allah's mercy,

Monday, December 04, 2006


Sunday morning, I woke up with my eyes tired, drained and exhausted. Even though they didn't feel swollen and puffy, I knew that they were. Saturday I cried. I sobbed and literally saw myself loosing myself. I have already said a lot and I can't go into the details of what I have been experiencing. This is not the place nor the way. It would take an amazing writer to really capture those vsiceral moments when we are our lowest. Once, we get to the computer, hours later, what ever has happened either in solitude or engaged with others, it has been mulled over and cerebralized. At this point, we have to guard our tongues and refrain from exposing ourselves and the ones that we love. If something is awfull enough to speak about it, then I must change it or remove myself from it. I would look like a fool if I complained and moaned to the blogisphere and did nothing. And came back the very next day complaining again and doing nothing. Regardles, whether I ever share what I am going through with anyone, it is me who has to make the decisions, choices and live them, no one else. Am I going to be active or passive in this trial I am facing? This is hard, because I really have to asses my role and how much my own behavior has contributed. I am seeing something in me that I saw in someone else. I have to figure out how to be triamphant with my plight - this might sound goofy, but I literally see myself on a track jumping hurtles. The questions is how do I dig myself out of the hole so I can begin running again - once upon a time I had so many tools to dig out and resurface, I even knew how to use them, drills with bits, hammers and wrenches. Now when I go to reach for them I notice they are gone. Someone has borrowing them with no intent on returning them and I have to figure out how to get them back, without breaking the deal. These tools kept me working. They kept me moving and they made me, me.

A Reminder to Myself When I Want to Throw in the Towel

Is it permissible for Muslims to put their children in the schools of the non-Muslims, knowing the many contradictions to the the Islaamic Sharee'ah that are found in their schools and the effects they have on our children? Specifically for:
(a) those who have a proper Islaamic school in their city, but it is expensive
(b) those who do not have a proper Islaamic school in their city, rather there are "Islaamic" schools run by people of innovation
(c) those who do not have any kind of Islaamic school whatsoever in their city

by Shaykh Muhammad 'Umar Baazmool, instructor at Umm Al-Quraa University in Makkah

What is apparent to me, and Allaah knows best, is that it is not permissible under any circumstances for the Muslims to put their children in the schools of the non-Muslims. This is not permissible, especially when these schools teach things that are foreign to the Deen, like the beliefs of the Christians or the Jews, or other impermissible things.This is the case whether there is an Islaamic school in the city or not. No doubt, when one puts his children in the non-Muslims' school while there is an Islaamic school in the city, this is even more severely prohibited than the one who does so and does not have an Islaamic school in his city.[ This was the end of the shaykh's answer on the cassette. When asked over the telephone about the issue of Muslims putting their children in the schools of the people of bid'ah, the shaykh requested that the following be added to his answer: ]
And it is not permissible for the Muslims to put their children into schools where innovation is being taught, or things that are in contradiction to the Sunnah. The scholars are preventing students of knowledge from reading the books of the innovators, so how can it be permissible for little children to study in schools where innovations are taught?! Especially when they are not able to distinguish between Sunnah and bid'ah, their hearts may become attached to innovations, and Allaah's Refuge is sought. So it is not permissible to put children in schools where innovation is taught.

SOURCEThis was translated exclusively for from a cassette recording with the knowledge and permission of the shaykh, file no. AAMB010, dated 1423/6/25.

Program Changes

Home Schooling the Homebound has been revised!

Now that my planned coup for the car was succesful, I have made changes to our Pre-K schedule.

Home Schooling the Home Bound: Monday, Wednesday and Friday (only Quran and Alif Baa on Fridays, I have bleach down the house)

Out and About (my new segment) Library, fieldtrips and playdates: Tuesday and Thursday (this may in the future include ummie and me at the masjid)

Alhamdulillah, we are just about complete with all the English letters with the exception of e. Today, I introduced spelling Ms. Pesa's name. This was a stretegy I used with my oldest. I made cards for the letters of their names in the correct case, one capital for the onset sound and lower case for the rest. Then using a lined handwriting strip I pasted identitical letters. So we will match the cards to the name strip saying each letter and its sound. We will do this probably for a few weeks until she begins to memorize the pattern. After that I will take away the name strip, scrample the letter cards and have her put them in order. Next step make practice handwriting strips with the dots. She will have to put the cards in order and write the letters down on her handwriting strip.
I pray this works with this one, they are all different and not everything flies with the next one.

Friday, December 01, 2006


After reading the trials and tribulations of my fellow muslim sisters, I realize my days are BORING. I have no play-by-play of some drama that jumped off with my hubby, another sister in the masjid or my parents. This is my day . . .

Wow! Do you need to make potty? Make peepee, so mommy can say good girl, That's 1, that's 2, that's 3 go sit in time out! Stop Screaming! Use your words! If you want something to eat, you gotta sit at the table. Wash your hands! If you are finished playing in your kitchen, then you need to put your toys away! . . . . and it goes on and on, until they go to sleep. Exciting, right! By maghrib I am desperate for some conversation. Call the Hubby and I get "^&*(@#$%^&*(). " Not exactly what I wanted, but exactly what I expected, why did I even bother. The last resort is my mom. And why I say, she's the last resort, because all she wants to do is either talk to the kids, tell a really long story about nothing or get off quickly, because she can't eat cereal and talk at the same time. These days my best friend is DELL. Dell is always ready to listen and doesn't talk back.

Habari Za Potea?

Feeling lost, totally alone, misunderstood and needing interpretation were the impetus for my blog explorations. First, I started searching, for what, I guess someone who could relate. I started with Lamu, then swahili, kiswahili, mombasa, mswahili . . . not much, at least nothing like me. I was trying to find a practicing swahili women living in the states. Why? I spent two years of my life speaking (or at least trying) kiswa, eating chapati and pilau, cooking with women, washing my clothes with omo (hanging undies in descrete places), attending weddings (practicing my chakacha in the mirror), wearing totally outdated brightly colored clothes with beads and ruffles, walking around with kangas, grinding coconuts making milk, drinking chai (not chai tea), avoiding malaria, getting malaria, riding in matatus, dodging donkeys and now all of this seems rather mythical. I have tried tirelessly to find swahili women from Lamu, Mombasa or Ingujah to visit with practice some kiswa sitting on the floor with the edge of one foot wedged between the big toe and the next of the other foot, picking our teeth with a broken piece of Makuti after a wonderful lunch of Sakuma wiki, pilau na buzi and mandazi. Were are you Fatma's, Asha's, Mwanamina's and Mariamu -ay's? All that I have met over here have trading in their bui bui's for tight pants, music videos and around-the-way-girl vernaculars. Naa meeen? Actually, I don't. Sometimes, I want a little piece of Kenya, siyo?