Okay, Okay I Have Been Tagged
Here are the rules: Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. I am obsessed with geneology and researching my own family history. This was one of my father's passions and I think it really made him feel good to see me so interested in my heritage and wanting to keep it alive.
2. Many moons ago, I used to montain bike through Quebec for a month, hike the national parks in the South West, repel through water falls, snorkel off the Indian Ocean and catch huge baracudas for dinner.
3. I can't wear slippers, because my feet will sweat.
4. I never can cook the same meal twice, which drives my husband crazy
5. I can speak kiamu dialect of kiswahili, but I am totally illiterate in it.
6. I was the starting center for my highschool b-ball team, everyone who knows me should have fallen out of their computer chairs by now with laughter.
so how are you going to wear those beautiful ladybugs?!!!!
12:20 AM
gee, I don't know. Right now I have on socks and of couse they are sweaty. A good example of good intentions. Masha'Allah.
7:23 AM
I have that some problem with #4. My husband wouldn't believe I was paid to be a baker if he hadn't seen it for himself!
7:40 PM
LOL !!! yeah I fell out my seat laughing !!! hehehehe
okay so what then, do I get tagged or am I tagging myself? do I have to tell all my clients 6 weird things about myself, they will never shop at my place ever again !!!! LOL !
Anyhow I am tired as you can READ. off to bed
8:16 PM
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