Ohh Stop Your Mess (with a carribean accent)
The Looooow Down

"Sucks to your Asssmaar"

Never will I forget this phrase from our 9th grade study of LOTF (this is what teachers write when they don't feel like writing the name of a book a hundred times a day). This was the first book that I read and learned how to read it analytically using all the catch phrases like allegory, literary illusion, hyperbole, symbolism and foreshadowing.
Since the story took place sometime between WWII and the Vietnam war, what did a chubby asthmatic kid take to control the weezing and caughing? Did they have inhalers or some sort of antiquated version of such? And if you were stranded on a deserted island, Piggy, fat kid, wouldn't he become delerious from a lack of oxygen? Forget about the "beastie" (the pig on the stick) watch out for suffocation.
Why I bring this up, my yearly asthma attack, which usually makes it's debut in November has decided to make an appearence in February. When you have asthma once a year a couple problems arise. 1. your inhalers are always expired. 2. you can't find it. 3. Drs. give you samples, because aren't totally sure you actually have asthma and don't want to commit to a prescription. So, all i have is an emergency only inhaler and I don't feel like paying $20 co-pay to get another. So sucks to my asssmaar!
Stepping Right Along
Alhamdulillah my step-daughter is back. She has decided to call me mommy, which I prefer or some derivative of such. I read my speach to my hubby the one I wrote about in an earlier post and I noticed a stain on his pillow, so I am guessing it went in one ear and leaked out while he during those moonlite hours. So I am bracing myself for STRESS! I didn't want to homeschool everyone, but it looks like that's what is happening (lack of transportation) . So I sucked it up and printed out some work and insha'Allah I will purchase her books next week. She is really behind and needs to be refamiliarized the concept of school work. Why do I always have to be the bad guy?
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