Can Someone Tell Me How to Grieve, because I am at a Loss Here!
A few months ago it was the death of Ed. Bradly and this time it was the statement "I can't imagining living in a world that he does not exist," coupled with my grandma's "failing" health (actually she's fine, but thinks she is falling apart.) These are all triggers. I start leaking tears at night or actually anytime. No noise just tears. I have even realized that I am taking on physical systems, such as very temporary carpal tunnel and other inflamatory symptons that lead me to believe that I getting a flu, but it's not. The day before the buriel, I literally couldn't move. I had a high fever, my wrists hurt soo bad that I couldn't use my hands.
I am still in shock. I have even come close to calling him. He's got to be there! But he's not. My mind is stuck on that moment of death. I can't remember him before the cancer and the weightloss. I just remember the look of death. How do I do this? How am I supposed to grieve? No on will let me! Please don't ask me what's wrong, because if you don't already know, then the answer will be "nothing, I'm okay."
as-salamu aleykum
say alhamdullelah that you can have those tears others can even have them, and they are such a relief,
you have to be strong, and this life aint real.
a believer shouldnt get depressed.
and Allah is on our side long as we do not turn our backs on Him.
and once you realise the blessings of Allah upon regardless of what you go through, you will be thankful to Allah, and nothing happens to a believer but that which is good for her.
you know that Allah is the truth, so you cant seak strengh other than from Him,
read Quran, and pray..
and have patience
(dont approve) I ask for your du3aa
1:57 PM
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