Story From Our Salaf
One of the Salaf entered a field, and he was hungry and tired, and so he wanted to eat, as his stomach was 'rumbling.' His eyes went to went to the trees, so he saw an apple, and reached for it, then he ate half of it under the protection of Allah, and he drank from the lake near the field. After that, he was not aware of what he was doing due to his hunger, and said to himself:
"woe to you! How do you eat from someone elses goods without permission," so he swore that he finds the owner of the field, and ask him to make what he had eaten from him permissible, so he looked around until he found a door and knocked on it. The owner came out and asked him about what he wants . . . He said: "I entered your garden that next to the garden, and took this apple and eat half of it, then remember it is not mine, and I want you to excuse me forgive me for this mistake," so the man said, "I won't forgive you, nor allow you ever, except with one condition?" So he said (and he is Thaabit bin Nu'maan), "what is this condition?" The man said: "to marry my daughter" He said: "I'll marry her."
The man then said: "But my daughter is blind cannot see, dumb and cannot speak, deaf and cannot hear." So Thaabit bin Nu'maan began thinking and considering - what a disaster- what's he going to do? Then he remembered that the tribulation he has got by having this woman, and taking care of her and serving her is better than to eat from the food (sadeed) of hellfire due to what he ate from that apple, and he remembered that this days in the dunya are numbered that his days in the dunya are numbered. So he accepted marrying her, and he wished for the reward from Allah, the Lord of the universe. The day marriage came, the Thaabit bin Nu'maan was very worried : "How will I entered upon a women who doesn't speak, or see, or hear?! So he felt confused and in and in a delima, and wished that the earth swallows him before that happends (i.e. he does to her). but he relied upon Allah and said: " Laa Hawla wa laa quwata illa billah, wa inna lilah wa inna raji'oon." So he went to her, and as soon as he entered, she stood up and said to him "assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh." When he saw her, he remembered what he ahd imagined of the hoor il'ayn in paradise. After remaining a bit quiet, he said: "What is this?" She hears, sees and and speaks, and so he informed her what her father had told him.
She replied: "My father spoke the truth and didn't lie." "How is it true?" She replied: "My father said I am dumb, because I have never said a word of haraam, nor have I ever spokent to a man whom is not permissible to speak to . . . She said I am deaf, because I have never sat it in a place of backbitting and gossip or tale-telling. . . She said I am blind because I have never looked at a man who was not permissible for me."
It was from this man and this woman that An-Nu'maan ibn Thaabit, also known as Imam Abu Haneefa was born.
Masha Allah. I have read this 3 x's. 1 around the time of my reversion. I though it was so weird. Could not resonate a drop. 2nd time a few years later. I was married. Could only be sad that my story was sooo different, alhumdiallah. 3rd time today with my baby girl sleeping on my knee. I'm all weeping.
10:25 PM
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