Unification Upon Tawheed
By:Shaykh Salih al Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah)------------------------------------------------------------The Word Of The Muslims Will Not Unite Except By AT-TAWHEED------------------------------------------------------------This is the foundation, and this is the origin, and this is the mainprincipal; so how can we turn away from this affair (uniting upon at-Tawheed) and be careless concerning it, and hold the one who callsto it as being in error? And you will find one who says that thiscall (to uniting upon at-Tawheed) separates the Muslims. No!!!,rather this gathers the word of the Muslims, because the word of theMuslims does not find harmony except for through at-Tawheed; and youwill not find peace, or safety and stability except threw at-Tawheed. Allaah Glorified be He and Most High Says in His NobleBook,"And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security aftertheir fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do notassociate anything (in worship) with Me."Verily, you can reach this mighty goal through worshipping Allaahsolely (not joining partners with Him or holding any one to be Hisequal).So the word of the ummah (body of Muslims) and it is not possibleto build a nation except for with the word of at-Tawheed, and uponthe 'aqeedah (belief) of pure Tawheed. However, if shirk(associating partners with Allaah) enters and bid'ah (innovation)and superstitions spread and it says, "leave the people free topractice there beliefs overlook their deviant practices, `do not runthem away'",from here comes the separation and division, and theentrance for shaytaan (to come between the ranks of the Muslims,then separate their body), as is our current state. And I will bringfor you an example from this country (Saudi Arabia). Where beforethe da'wah (call) of the Shaykh Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul Wahhaab(rahimahullaah) came the country you know as Saudi Arabia was upongreat division. Every tribe had its own Amir (chief) and law, andevery tribe fought against the other. History mentions that peoplein different tribes shed the blood of one another due to thedifferences between them (every side from each tribe raged waragainst the other), and the defeated tribe would have theirpossessions stolen. Senseless killing and bloodshed, every tribehaving a ruler, each not willing to humble oneself to the other; andwhen Allaah sent this blessed da'wah upon the hand of the piousscholar (the rectifier of affairs), the country became one and fellunder one leader, and in turn established an Islaamic State upon theDeen of at-Tawheed and has remained this way. All praises are forAllaah as this took place, because it established its foundationupon at-Tawheed, but before at-Tawheed was established in thecountry it was divided, and the natives sought blessings from treesand stones etc… Soorah An-Nur (24):55--------------------------Translated from A-Hamiyyah at Tawheed by: Dr. Shaykh Salih alFawzaan (hafidhahullaah) pg 33
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