Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon the Trustworthy Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions.

Monday, January 01, 2007

HUNNNGRAY 4 Knowledge!

My dua's were answered! At sundown, Eid will be officially over and I will have avoided Chuck E Cheeses. Alhamdulillah, I we didn't go anywhere that forced me (the only only niqabi) to sit in the corner while the rest of the muslim mixed freely (men and women) so that my kids could bounce themselves silly in some Moon Bounce.

As usual we prayed with our community - I got to see all the new babies, hug the sisters that live only minutes away, but I only see from Eid to Eid and eat a donut. After salaat we treked out to the sticks to slaughter. This is was a blessing, because we haven't been able to do so in years. The kids enjoyed running around in the pen with the other kids, rolling in mud/manure. The sisters sat in a tent talked, foreced me to eat liver, drink tea and just enjoyed one another. Masha'Allah I learn so much from my foreign sisters.

We hauled back north to have the meat cut up even further at the butcher and took a sharwama break in a Lebanese cafe. Everyone was watching soccer on TV.

We ended the day with an appearance at the Sister's party. Of course I had a melt down getting dressed. What to wear? Masha'Allah the sisters were lovely. We played Q and A, my team was Hungraaay 5 Knowledge, we answered move of the questions correctly, but still lost, because one question was worth 3,000 points. Masha'Allah I am happy for the sisters that won after only getting one question right. Masha'Allah. I am not bitter or anything.

Yesturday, I divided the meat and cooked. We had company over - I always struggle with entertaining sisters who openly choose to ignore/disobey some serious no no's of this deen. What do you say? How do you keep the conversation going? May Allah guide us, Ameen.

Today, we are going to pass out meat to friends and just lay low.


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