Thursday - Homeschooling the Home Bound
Today, we started very late actually, very late. We didn't get down to business until after 10:30 am (I am not totally sure, because my husband has all the clocks set to different times,) I know it was definately between 10 and 11am.
Quran: Review of Fatiha, Ayatul Kursi, Amannerasool (last two of Baqarah), Suratul Kawthar seal up her pronounciation and a review of Suratul Nasr down to Falaq. Masha'Allah did well.
Phonics: One run through of her letter cards - with vowels she already seems to know "o" and calls "i" dot.
Big Milestone, she finished book one of the Primer for Explode the Code - stickers were awarded, Masha'Allah.
Math: We read Ten, Nine, Eight by Molly Bang. They liked this story a lot, but anything with babies is a winner with my kids.
Games: We went outside to blow bubbles - which resulted in soapy side walks. Once the bubbles were finished, we climbed trees. Ms. Pesa climbed quite high in our sole tree, a dogwood. Ironically, my mom had many photos of me climbing the dogwood at her house. I did my final yeard clean -up. It was sad to pull up my impatients and put them in a yard rubbish bag. I forgot to take a photo of them before they died.
I'd say a good day. I will post later about my neighbors.
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