Ummies Have Trantrums Tooo!
For two days, Homeschooling the Home Bound has been a disaster. Ms. Pesa isn't bitting with the Quran. Masha'Allah everthing was going well, until Kafiroon. Now, she can't seem to finish it. So, I have decided to just keep saying it without breaking the Ayat down. She memorized Ayatul Kursi and the last two of Baraqarah without direct instruction, Masha'Allah. But when we sit down, she wants to start an argument with statements like "I don't like that one" or "I don't know how to say it." But when I say okay and get up, she gets even more upset. So which is it binti - do you or don't want to practice Quran? Yesturday, it was so bad that she wouldn't even do her letter cards, which is unusual (as mundane as it sounds she loves to do the cards.)
Today, I had my fill of the crying, whinning and kicking and I blew my top and threw a book across the room. Totally immature of me. I put Ms. Pesa in time out, even though I am the one who needed it and went into the Hamam. My two year old, Ms. Mara's came in asking me, "are you mad momma?" That's soo sad. I am soo sad. I called a sister to get advise, she couldn't talk. Did a search online for help and read a enough to give me a pep-talk. Number 1. ignore the back talk and keep going. The point is to get me to stop the activity that don't like. So my kids had already started playing. Wait . . . they won and I gave in.
So, I turned off the monitor and ask Ms. Pesa if she was ready and surprisingly, she said, "yes." I told her we had ten more minutes. She sat close to me, focused her eyes on my mouth and recited the Surah better than ever . . . we even started Suratul Kawthar. Masha'Allah.
After Quran, the day went as usual. Letter cards with the introduction of the orange cards - the big bad "vowels." Next, Explode the code - letter of the week: R,r. She learned a couple new words: Rocket, Rake and Rabbit (we usually call them bunny rabbits). After, LA we did our Saxon lesson, counting to 5 with bears. Today, the bears were tired and had to sit on chairs (pattern block hexagons). Next puzzles, we tackled the Elephants. Lastly, We walked to the store bought stamps, searched for a mailbox, lunch and nap. Instead of craft, we cooked triffle. What fool invented the combination: pudding, whipped cream and sour creame? Alhamdulillah, the parfaits are for just us - plenty of fingers in the bowl.
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