Wednesday, November 08, 2006
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Masha'Allah sis, that's great! : )
6:41 AM
Yeah you go girl ! Assalaamu Alaikum
You using that red stuff out of the tube. Come on now ! I need to send you a sample of the REAL stuff!! Send me your address and I will send you some sweetie ! I will send you a henna gift set cause I LOVE you and then you can get some real dark burgundy to cherry tones. You will LOVE it ! mashaAllah.
6:55 AM
Beautiful mashaallah! I would love to learn how to do this, but i don't know anyone who could teach me.
1:37 PM
Jazak Allahu Khairun, yeah, I guess i need to move up, huh! I was looking at the site today and trying to put together a wish list. I was wondering which is better, the cone or the jaquard bottles?
1:39 PM
The cones are actually better in the long run. For your fingers they won't hurt them but a bottle can give you a sore thumb. The cone can make finer lines and if it gets a clog you only need to pinch the tip. Most professional henna artists use cones, but there are some that use the j-bottles and beginner's might start with that, so it really all depends on you. A nice small cone works amazing though! I love it. Pros and cons to everything in this world.
Get your wish list together Aisha I am SERIOUS ! email me.
As for learning how to do henna body artwork, you can always find a local henna artist by searching the net, but it's going to cost at least $75.00
5:37 AM
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