I moved . . . not like anyone Knew where I was before!
Sleepless as usual, but tonight is turning into an all nighter. I am trying my best not to head down to the kitchen. There are many tempting things in my cubburds . . . like Tastycakes, which I might add only tast good after midnight.
On my last blog, I had been working on my responses to an article in the Washington Post by former post write Caryle Murphy, which sparked quite a bit of controversy amongst the Muslimeen in the DC metro area. I wasn’t so up in arms with her comments, but I actually was rather ruffled by the responses that she received from Al-Huda -ites, especially those who wrote editorals for the Muslim Link newspaper. I always wonder . . . why muslims are so baffled by the ignorance of the kuffar. No matter how educated and worldy the individual, unless they say La illaha ilallah, they will never understand who were are. And I am also wondering if we even know who we are? Why get upset that Ms. Murphy mentions the “sisters only” parking or that we “segregate” ourselves from the disbelievers. Or that the hijab hinders integration - I agree with her. Why are we so worried what the kuffar think of us?
Adh-Dhahabee (rahimahullaah) said: “If you see the innovative mutakallim saying: ‘leave out the Qur’aan and Sunnah and bring forth logic’, then know that he is Aboo Jahl. And if you see the ‘One on the Spiritual Path’, [who claims that by practicing a set of prescribed forms of innovated worship he will attain oneness with Allaah] (i.e. the Soofees) saying: ‘Leave us from [knowledge] that is transmitted (i.e. the Qur’aan and Sunnah) and bring forth the ‘Taste and Ecstasy of Passion’, then know that he is Ibless (Shaytaan) become manifest in human form, or has become incarnate within him; so if you become cowardly then run away from him,. otherwise wrestle him down, and sit on his chest with your knee, and ready ayaatul-kursee, and strangle him.”
[as-Siyaar, (4/472)]
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